среда, 7 августа 2013 г.

Best shots of Ukraine - Part 3.1, Crimea Ancient.

My favorite part - is about ancient times of Crimea. Here will Khan Palace in Bakchisaray, Genoese Fortress in Balaklava, cave city of Middle Ages Eski-Kermen and, of course, ruins of Chersonesos!
Let's go.

1. First pictures will represent Genoese Fortress Chembalo in Balaklava. This fortress appears in 14 century near Balaklava Bay. Now there are only ruins of three towers, situated on the hills.

First tower and part of wall.

Main and second tower.

The last parts of fortress, situated at the high of hill.

 View of the Balaklava bay from the hill.
 Cape Aya.
Cape Fiolent.
 Panorama of the Chembalo Fortress.
Crystal water. 

Khan palace and Eski-Kermen will be in next part 3.2 :)

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