воскресенье, 22 сентября 2013 г.

Forgotten stories of Porussia.

Today in Kaliningrad region, in Ushakovo village, where Brandenburg Castle is situated, took place historical festival "Forgotten Stories of Porussia". There were historical reenactment, folk music, costumes, interesting things for sale,  theatrical performance, food... 

I have managed to take a picture of this guy with bagpipes. Unfortunately, he was leaving so I didn't take a picture when he played. 

Strange guests had appeared before thetrical performance began...

The narrator. He's also teuton warrior.

Russian knez and his retinue came to ask in marriage daughter of Prussian king.

Cool guys shows their skills x)

Until kings interrupted them.

Girl's turn. They dance, showing their skills.

Other guys.


Face to face.

And kings're wathing.

Strange druid, his apprentice and bear.

Best photo - girl on the horse and a warrior.
 Another teuton girl x)


Warriors on horses.

Very good men, They posed to me when I was taking pictures x)

Nik with bucket helmet on his head. He's real warrior of middle-age x)

The war began when teuton had killed Prusian girl.

But then everything was good and happiness was everywhere.

Heroes of festival.

The wisewoman. She was popular.

Little army.


Horses "on board" x))

That was all. Then the festival ended and we returned home.
This festival wasn't so good, but in Kaliningrad we don't have necessary to organise festivals like in Europe or in big cities of Russia. Sad.
But many thanks to organisators and participants for this "Stories"! 

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